Descriptions of the scene in a book
Setting the scene in a book is an important when it comes to fiction. The landscapes and interiors, in which the plot develops, are not just a background, but a “speaking” background that makes the story livelier and more exciting.
Description scene in a book: living sensations
The author’s task in describing the scene is not just to create a visual image of the plot, but to use all the reader’s senses, from sight to smell, plunging him into current events with his head. Together with the hero, he must hear the surrounding sounds, smell the smells, feel the warmth of the sun, or, on the contrary, shudder from the chilling cold.
Visual images should reflect the psychological state of the character – remember the famous Oak from the novel “War and Peace”. In a good book, natural phenomena, structures, objects, lighting, colors and smells not only characterize the surrounding area, but also emphasize the character’s mental attitude.
Talking details
Concentrate not on the big picture, but on the “speaking” details. Depending on the place and situation, the following may matter:
- A gust of spring breeze
- Rustling leaves underfoot,
- Dew drops on the web
- The smell of the sea breeze
- The shape of a cloud on the horizon,
- Glare on the water,
- The sound of water dripping from the tap,
- The feeling of warmth from the fireplace on the skin,
- Distant highway noise,
- Reflections of city lights in puddles,
- Slogans on billboards …
It can be anything, even the crunch of a crust of sugar crust brulee, broken by a teaspoon. The more sensuality in the descriptions, the more chances of success.
Draw with a word
So that the reader does not miss the scene in a book, they should be pictures in the 5 D. The phrase “It was very windy and chilly” is not an option. If the hero is scared and cold, the reader should feel the chilling wind, tremble and wrap himself in a blanket. Linguistic images will help to activate his imagination. The wind should knock you off your feet, the snow crumb – stab your face, the hopeless darkness – cause despair.
The main thing is to know when to stop. Too many details, even the most poignant in perception, can be tiresome. This is especially true for dynamic scenes – in the description of a scene in a book, brightness, brevity and capacity are important. The details are very important, but there should be few of them so as not to distract from the main thing.
Finding inspiration
Every writer attracts his muse in different ways. In order for the pictures of the invented world to easily float to the surface of consciousness, you just need not interfere with them.
If the muse suddenly flees away, relax and take a walk in the fresh air. Leave your smartphone at home, take a coffee to go and, perhaps, the real world will give you fresh ideas. Signs are everywhere!
Many people need their favorite music to brainstorm. Light the fireplace, turn off Wi – Fi, and put your favorite vinyl on the turntable. Inspiration will help bring back the quiet rustle of a needle on a gramophone record against the background of a beautiful melody.
Why not? The writer is the same artist, and if the picture doesn’t fit into words yet, try drawing it on paper. This will make it easier to imagine the places you write about.
This is not about religious rituals – we can do without incense and “Omm”. Just sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and let your thoughts float freely. Do not strain your brain, and the desired images will come directly from the subconscious.
There is no single recipe for finding inspiration. Do whatever your intuition tells you. Let your imagination run wild and you will succeed.
How to write a description in a book: tips
- It is quite easy to describe the surrounding reality, but if you write about places you haven’t been before, you will have to supplement your fantasies with facts. Read documentary prose about the area chosen for the work, see photos and articles about it on the Internet. Otherwise, literary embarrassment may occur.
- Do not let go of the book from you, even if you are busy with household chores. Call the picture in your head in any situation. Ideas can be generated even while washing dishes or traveling on public transport.
- Don’t part with your notebook or voice recorder. A brilliant novel idea may come to you all of a sudden – it’s important to write it down right away so it doesn’t slip away from your memory. Returning to your desktop, you can incorporate it into the plot of your book.
- Read on! The greater the variety of genres in the description of the setting you find in the literature, the more likely you are to find your unique style.
- Reread your novel often as you work. Without regret, delete all unnecessary details from the scene in a book and revive the scenes with new, more accurate, bright and tasty ones. Close your eyes, imagine yourself in the place of the hero and write down everything that may come into his field of attention, depending on the emotional mood of the hero and the situation