ENG1102 Troy University Good Man Is Hard to Find Questions

Select a short story from Section 8.

Draft: Write a 500 – 750-word essay that responds to the following questions:

  1. What is the name of the story? The author? Year published?
  2. What is the story about? (short paragraph)
  3. Who is the main character and what are the main qualities?
  4. What is the “twist of fate” in the story? What did you think when you read it? How did it make you feel?
  5. What is the message?
  6. Think of an updated version of the story. How would you modify the story to make it take place now? Describe the names, places, and other elements.
  7. DIY Blockbuster! A lot of movies and television series are based on updates and modifications of classics. Here’s a chance to create your own.
  8. Select a short story from Section 8.
  9. Margaret Atwood, Happy Endings Kate Chopin, The Story of an Hour Sandra Cisneros, House on Mango Street Nathaniel Hawthorne, Young Goodman Brown Zora Neale Hurston, Sweat James Joyce, Araby Franz Kafka, Before the Law Jamaica Kincaid, Girl ** Here is a worksheet for “Girl” that you can use for other works. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Joyce Carol Oates, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Tim O’Brien, The Things They Carried Juan Rulfo, Tell Them Not to Kill MeFlannery O’Connor, A Good Man Is Hard to Find
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