Final Project, business and finance homework help

Please review the rubric for the Literature Project and be sure your paper meets project requirements according to the rubric:



APA Format: Write a research paper that is a minimum of 5-6 pages in length and submit it in proper APA format, including cover page, in-text citations, and reference page. For APA guidelines, go to Rasmussen College’s Online Library, which you can access through the Resources tab.


Thesis: Incorporate a strong thesis that is placed as the last sentence in the introductory paragraph: A solid thesis includes the Author, Title of the novel, and your assertion. It should also include A, B, and C, which may be a few of the narrators, family members, or key points that will used in the paper.


Quotes: Include three or more quotes from the primary text as well as a couple secondary sources. (Primary sources are by the author, while secondary sources are books, journal articles, and essays about the author.) Be sure to utilize resources available in the college’s Online Library, which is accessible through the Resources tab.


Assertion: Be sure to present a strong argument that ends with a solid conclusion. This means that you will repeat your thesis and add your final thoughts or end with a strong quote.


Overall: Paper is a quality, well-researched effort that is professional and well written.




Remember that the in-text and references should be included:
For example, this means the student should include in-text citations and reference for each quote (Author, year, p. X). Other variations, depending on the source cited are available in the Rasmussen Library.

Author, I. (Year published). Title of our textbook. City, State: Publisher.

Take your time and carefully polish the essay according to the guidelines. It is worth your while to aim for the best possible “end product.” Once all revisions are done and you have completed your final editing and proofreading, you are ready to turn it in.

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