Foothill College Coral Reefs and Climate Change Geography Questions

Please read all the requirement and answer all the question thoughtfully, and make it looks like a college student writing.

Lab 5:

For Lab 5 you will be given a sequence of Google Earth Voyager stories to help provide a visual narrative on some of the various concepts that we have covered throughout the course of the quarter and asked to answer questions associated with each story. Please make sure that you use Google Chrome as the browser.

Coral Reefs:,117.9738634,-5822.69373474a,13059052.748d,35y,359.15407744h,0t,0r/data=CkoSSBIgY2EwYzk0ZGNhN2I4MTFlN2I1ZDBiNzRhMWFlNGU2MDMiJGVmZWVkX29jZWFuX2FnZW5jeV9jb3JhbF9ibGVhY2hpbmdfMA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  1. According to NOAA are the first signs of coral bleaching subtle?
  2. How is coral bleaching affecting the Indian Ocean?
  3. What caused the death of the coral reefs in New Caledonia?
  4. What is the Ocean Agency proposing to help save the coral reefs?

Climate Change:,32.778075,397.09402971a,14700805.006446d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CjASLhIgZDJkMzVhNTk2ZTQ3MTFlOGJhM2Y0ZGJhNDk1NmM3YjQiCnZveV9zcGxhc2g (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  1. What causes Palm Oil to be unsustainable?
  2. Looking at the three images of the Chilean Glaciers what stands out the most?
  3. How is Permafrost being impacted by Climate Change?
  4. How is concrete (Green Spaces) being used in order to combat Climate Change?

Create your own Lab:

For the last part of Lab 5, I want you all to take free range and create a 5 question lab for me to follow. It can be anything from an ESRI or Google Earth Story map with questions or one that you create from scratch. Creativity is key so have fun!

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