Hrm 6603

After completing the exercise on Compensation – Performance Appraisal, please do the following:Discussion Forum Week 4 – Compensation – Performance praisal, please do the following:First, post the names of the two employees who received the highest increases, what those increases were and why.  Then, please do the same for the two employees who received the lowest increases.Next, please answer the following questions (please label each response with the question number):Were you influenced by the personal information provided?  Is this appropriate?  Do you think it occurs in real life?  How can we minimize it?Should managers have relationships with their employees outside of work?Why are there such discrepancies in the view of performance by the manager and the employees?  Is this a good place for 360 feedback?  How much should the manager be influenced by employee opinions?  Does this impact equity?Your response to this question should be posted by 11:00 pm central time Wednesday of Week 4.  Please respond to the comments of at least one other student by 11:00 pm central time Saturday of Week

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