HRM5360 Nova Southeastern University Ch 7 Design and Evaluation Report

Consider yourselves as a project group of HRD professionals. Your task is to develop a general training packet that is ready to be customized for future client companies. It is fine if you want to limit your client company to a certain industry or a certain type or size, but do not try to identify a company. Materials targeted at a specific company will not be counted toward your grade.Your job is to produce a package of training program for your client organization.

Each group will select their own topic for their training program from the list below. The topic should be a component of one of the following HRD applications

  1. Coaching and performance management(e.g.,how to conduct a performance appraisal interview)

Team Report 2b: Design & Evaluation.

Design.Using Chapter5 as a guide, teams should develop all program material except the detailed training content. Write a description of the materials and include materials as appendix to your writing.

-Training objectives

-Training methods to be used, and a rationale for using them, based on training theory Proposed instructors, and the reason for using them
-A tentative training outline
-A tentative list and description of training materials needed

Evaluation.Using Chapter 7 as a guide, develop the evaluation tools and explain your rationale. Describe the procedure and tool (e.g., a survey instrument) you plan to use for data and how you plan to analyze the data you collected.

Here is the outline of your report:

a. Introduction, give an overview of your program, with a very brief review of your target trainees (presumably a result from your person and task analysis).
b. Design, see requirements above.
c. Evaluation, see requirements above.

d. Conclusion.

e Appendix: put all your assessment tools/instruments here.

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