Market Research Paper on Artist Management and Record labels

Entertainment Industry Research Brief

Deliverable: Word Document using APA format

For this project, you will conduct market research on (Artist Management and Record Labels) of the entertainment industry that you will be focusing as you develop your entertainment business plan. You will also conduct market research on the main leaders in the specific segment of the entertainment industry you are most interested in.

Be sure to include your responses in an APA research paper format for each of the sections in a Word document. Be sure to include in-text citations, a title page and a reference page in APA format.


Successful Business Plan, Ch. 2, 5 – 9     (I will attach pages for you)
The Brand Gap: Intro, Ch. 1 & 4The Market Research GuideFull Sail University’s Library Research Databases
Worksheet 2.1 – Getting Started with Your Market Research Worksheet 2.4 – Creating Your Company’s Buyer Persona (I will attach this worksheet for you)


  1. Market Research Overview – Provide the main consumer and market trends that

    have influenced your industry in the last five years. Incorporate three significant industry trends using at least three different quantifiable market research (numbers, percentages, monetary) citations. Identify and include the main leaders in the specific segment of the entertainment industry you are researching. Include the in-text citations of your research using APA format. *See Library Requirement.

  2. Buyer Persona – Create a buyer persona for one of the leading entertainment company’s main target audience based on your research of the companies in your selected industry. This fictional person represents the main target audience for the leading entertainment company that you select. Include a specific name, photo, age, income, where he/she lives, title, job/responsibility and main lifestyle habits. Include a narrative about the buyer persona that provides a reflection on their daily life. Use market research to create an effective, realistic profile of the buyer persona for the entertainment company’s main target market. Cite your sources.

  1. Positioning Statement – For the leading entertainment company you are researching, provide the Unique Value Proposition for this entertainment company and be sure to incorporate the positioning statement formula. Discuss the main competitor and its differentiator in the market.

  2. Library Requirement: For this assignment, you will use the Full Sail University library to access EBSCOhost, Lexis-Nexis, trade journals, other publications or other available library resources to conduct research on a minimum of three (3) entertainment market research trends that meet the criteria outlined in Sections 1- 3 of this assignment.

    Use your research findings to answer the questions listed in Sections 1-3 of the assignment and, as always, be sure to provide proper citations for each of your sources. 

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