Module 07 Course Project Annotated Bibliography English homework help

For this module’s course project assignment, write an annotated bibliography with at least five reliable sources that will help you explore, complicate, qualify, and argue about your topic. Use the Online Library to locate your research sources. Remember that effective research is comprised of a variety of sources (books, articles, websites, interviews, etc.) Try for a mix of Web sites, databases (from the Rasmussen Online Library), E-books, books, magazines, journals, etc.

Once you have located your five sources, list them in a Bibliography in correct APA documentation format. Use proper APA citations.

Finally, annotate your bibliography. That means that you should add a brief paragraph underneath each source that states what information the source gives and how it could be used in your paper. Be sure to check your work for proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics.

All written assignments in this course must:

  1. Be typed in Microsoft Word.
  2. Be double-spaced, with one space after punctuation between sentences
  3. Contain no breaks between sections or paragraphs
  4. Have 1” margins on all sides
  5. Be in 12 pt. Times New Roman font
  6. Include a page header (shortened title) in the upper left-hand of every page and a page number in the upper right-hand side of every page
  7. Include an APA-style cover-page
  8. Have the title again, centered at the top of page two
  9. Identify all sources within the paper by using parenthetical in-text citations
  10. Include an APA-style references page that matches the parenthetical in-text citations.
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