music events Individual Critical Analysis assignment help

all the information about the event in the word files. Please read it first.

Individual Critical Analysis: 3000 word analysis of an element of the event managerial process and critical appraisal of how this was conducted in practice.

Reference in Havard style, at least 10 reference to support your opinion.

Your analysis should reference established models of practice and evaluate your practical activities against these, highlighting lessons learnt and areas for future development. It is not expected that this will cover the whole process of event management. Rather, focus in depth on one aspect (budgeting, marketing, strategic planning, internal communications, operational management etc) to give a deeper consideration of the part you played in the process. A weak assignment will describe what happened during the project step by step. A distinctive assignment will be highly critical of one aspect of the activities performed and relate them to current literature in that specific area.

Please choice the operations be the main point to analysis. And all writing according to the Draft word file.

Operations (Ops 1 & 2) Key tasks: liaison with venues, technical, equipment, staging. You might start calm but all the pressure will be on you by the end: on the day, you are running the event. It is critical that you foresee all possible operational issues before they arise and have a plan for resolving them, safely, and within your limited resources.

Production (referred to in the Meetings Schedule as Prod 1 & 2) Key tasks: contact with artists and contributors, fundraising, shape the event, oversee the Group. You are the overall co-ordinators, and it may sound glamorous but most of your work is delegation, mediating between others, keeping everyone happy and on deadline, and picking up all the tasks that fall through the gaps that no-one else wants.

Marketing (Mark 1 & 2) Key tasks: sales, marketing, communications, image. You must be delivering inspired, practical ideas from day one. You are responsible for providing all the material that will convince everyone else that this event is worth getting involved in, from the sponsors to the audience. If no-one turns up, it’s down to you.

Finance & Management (Fin 1 & 2) Key tasks: budget, project management system and archive, evaluation, insurance. It may sound like you’re in the background, but your work is the bedrock, and everyone is relying on your accuracy and reliability. If something is not in the budget, it’s not part of the event. If the event earns less than it costs, the whole Group will lose out.

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