PSYC473A Syracuse University Abnormal Child Psychology Case Discussion

Need to write a case conceptualization for case 4(Kristy) . I will upload the rubric. and here’s some extra points of clarity the professor give us :

Below are some points of clarity that others may also find relevant:

  • 1. Diagnosis: To give a diagnosis, a child must meet DSM-5 criteria for the disorder. If you say a child has Generalized Anxiety Disorder, for example, you should list the criteria for that disorder. Then you can describe how the behaviors in the case map on to the symptoms in the DSM.
  • 2. Possible Causes: Describe possible causes of the disorder and tie them in to the present case. A definite cause is not provided in the vignette, but you can generate hypotheses based on the information you do have and what we know about the causes of a disorder. (Hint: there’s many, possible ‘right’ answers for this section).
  • 3. Other possible diagnoses: It is not sufficient to just list diagnoses. Also provide rationale based on the symptoms in the vignette.
  • 4. Assessment: I’m looking specifically for what assessment methods you would use to determine if the additional (possible) disorder(s) you listed in #3 are present. This means the specific approaches and/or names of measures–reference the readings and your notes from class discussion.
  • 5. Treatment: List the name of at least one specific treatment approach we discussed in class that would be appropriate for this case and include your rationale for selecting that treatment.
  • 6. Barriers: List 3 barriers, explain why they could each be a barrier, and discuss what you would do to combat 1 of the 3 barriers you listed.
  • Grammar/APA Style: Each section in the rubric (including this one) is worth 12.5% of your grade for the assignment. Please be sure writing in APA style. This includes clear and concise, scientific writing.

you can just answer each question in separate paragraph.

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