Schools and Essential Support to Students Response Paper

for this assignment respond to  kera with 400 words 

I am Kera, and I have been an early interventionist (special educator) for children ages 3-5 for almost 12 years.  I work in Wyoming.  I was really interested in this course to learn more about 504 plans as we haven’t readily adopted those as a state, and we especially do not use it at my age level, but also to continue to sharpen my skills as a special educator and advocate more for my students across community resources, with the different agencies/preschools/childcares we work with and as they transition to the elementary school system.

Advocacy for me means putting the child first.  My goal for every child is to improve their development as close as I can to a typically developing child.  What does the child and family need to get there?  Does the child need services, modifications in the educational setting, training for their provider or teacher?  Does the family need assistance, and if so, in what and how? The first two videos were really good reminders about the child being the integral part of all of this, and how advocacy is work, but worth it.

Advocating for students daily involves a lot of reflection.  Was the child set-up for success today in the classroom?  Were modifications and adaptations successfully used or needed?  Was there communication between family, teachers and service providers?  Were the child’s goals targetd through instruction?

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