structural characteristics of plant cells biology homework help

Lab 3 questions

1. Using outside sources, write a brief description of the structure of an onion. What are the layers? What other structures can you define?

2. Write a complete list of structural characteristics of plant cells (cell walls, chloroplasts, etc). Indicate which of these characteristics are shared by animal cells. Also, separately list any characteristics of animal cells that plant cells lack.

3. It would be challenging to calculate the average length of the onion cells without a microscope, but it could be done. They vary from less than 100 micrometers to more than 300 micrometers, averaging about 250 micrometers.

A. How big is a micrometer, expressed in millimeters?
B. How many micrometers are there in a millimeter?
C. If the onion cells are 250 micrometers in length, how many of these cells would fit end to end in a millimeter?

Lab 4

1. Celery and Vascular Bundles: Write a short description of the process whereby the colored water rises in the vascular bundles, being sure to include important cell types and mechanisms involved. Review the page on the transpiration stream and the cohesion/tension theory on the course website, Plant Stucture: Primary Structure of Shoots and Leaves

Lab 5

1. List the characteristics of plants classified in the Class Eudicotyledonae of the Phylum

2. List the characteristics of plants classified in the Class Monocotyledonae of the Phylum .

3. List the characteristics of root hairs.

4. List the macronutrients obtained from the soil that are absorbed by plant root hairs.

5. Name the functions of nitrogen and phosphorus in the plant.

6. What is the function of stomata.

Lab 6

Write a brief (at least 250 words) description of the process of secondary growth in trees.

Lab 7

Briefly describe the life cycle of a typical fern, and in a following paragraph, note also the importance of the fact that fern gametophytes are “alga-like” and produce swimming sperms(review the appropriate paragraphs above, which address this issue). This answer must be at least 250 words in length.

Lab 8

. Briefly describe where you found the tree(s) you chose to study and photograph for this lab. Identify the species of this pine. Pines are most commonly identified by the number of needles per fascicle and the size and shape of the seed cones, so be sure to note (and photograph) those characteristics specifically. In the parks and neighborhoods of Goleta and Santa Barbara the most common species planted include Monterey Pine, Canary Island Pine, and Aleppo Pine. Along Camino Cielo Road in the Santa Ynez Mountains above Santa Barbara you will find Coulter Pines. In the San Rafael Mountains behind Lake Cachuma grow Coulter Pines, Sugar Pines and Ponderosa Pines. If you find a species not listed here, be sure to tell me where you found it.

2. Review the pine life cycle diagram in the textbook, and make a list of ways in which this life cycle is similar to the life cycle of ferns, and another list of ways in which it differs. ( use this website to read textbook review: User: K00751116- Login: laurel

And on top you will see where it says plant diversity and preface, biology ect.. those are the chapthers for text book ( just click on one ). (Also Lab 9 use website).

Lab 9

Briefly (but at least 250 words) describe what a flower is, and the morphological origin of each of the flower parts, (review Anthophyta in the textbook).

Lab 10

1. Write a brief (at least 250 words) description of, and give examples of, the various seed dispersal mechanisms that have evolved in flowering plants.

2. Provide the scientific names of the cucumber, tomato, orange, apple, banana and name the country or region of origin of each of them (hint: Be careful here; apples did not originate in Washington, nor did oranges originate in Florida).

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