To manage improved communication techniques between departments in respect to work place safety… 1 answer below »
LITERATURE REVIEW – Patient Experience
Write a 6 page literature review of the following references. This needs to be done in APA format.
The focus of the literature review needs to follow the following Research guidelines:
Problem: There is very little communication when there is a violent patient or potentially violent patient being treated by clinicians across multiple departments in emergency medicine.
Purpose: To manage improved communication techniques between departments in respect to work place safety in trauma situations.
Research question: How to better manage interdepartmental communication in respect to work place safety in trauma situations
Tentative title: Interdepartmental communication in respect to work place safety in trauma situations.
(Ahmed, Burt, & Roland, 2014; Hogerzeil, Samson, Jaume Vidal, & Rahmani-Ocora, 2006; Kumar, Henseler, & Haukaas, 2009; Lewis, 2015; Nancy Mannion et al., 2017; Padgett, 2014; Robbins, 2014; Rosiek & Leksowski, 2013; Stuttaford et al., 2014)
Ahmed, F., Burt, J., & Roland, M. (2014). Measuring Patient Experience: Concepts and Methods. The Patient, 7(3), 235-241.
Hogerzeil, H. V., Samson, M., Jaume Vidal, C., & Rahmani-Ocora, L. (2006). Is access to essential medicines as part of the fulfilment of the right to health enforceable through the courts? The Lancet, 368(9532), 305-311.
Kumar, S., Henseler, A., & Haukaas, D. (2009). HIPAA’s effects on US healthcare. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 22(2), 183-197. doi:
Lewis, T. (2015). Healthcare Leaders Who Influence the Sustainability of High Patient Satisfaction Scores. (3721844 Ph.D.), The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Ann Arbor. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database.
Nancy Mannion, B., Bhattacharya, A., Edwards, C., Fasnacht, A., Mazzone, L., Stephens, K., . . . Swanson-Bierman, B. (2017). Impact of a Planned Workflow Change: Super Track Improves Quality and Service for Low-Acuity Patients at an Inner-City Hospital. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 43(2), 114-125. doi:
Padgett, J. D. (2014). Patient Safety Culture and High Reliability Organizations. (3625714 D.B.A.), Walden University, Ann Arbor. Retrieved from ProQuest Central database.
Robbins, B. G. (2014). On the Origins of Trust. (3641622 Ph.D.), University of Washington, Ann Arbor. Retrieved from ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database.
Rosiek, A., & Leksowski, K. (2013). How the Practicing Physician Encounters Human Rights in Daily Clinical Situations. Health, Culture and Society, 4(1), 66-n/a. doi:
Stuttaford, M., Makhamreh, S. A., Coomans, F., Harrington, J., Himonga, C., & Hundt, G. L. (2014). The right to traditional, complementary, and alternative health care. Global Health Action, 7. doi: