Trusted Sources writing assignment help

Evaluate the statements listed below. For each one:

· Review the steps for basic examination of the source and the characteristics of a trusted source.

· Then, consider the following claims while asking the question, “Can I trust this person to be telling me the truth or even to know the truth?”

· For each of these claims, state whether or not you believe the source to be trustworthy.

· Explain your answer, making certain to use the terminology and information from this lesson. Be specific.


1. Salesclerk to customer trying on a sports jacket: “That looks great on you.”

2. Republican political commentator: The $787 billion Obama stimulus package is a flop.”

3. Person under arrest to police investigator after hearing that if he implicates others he will receive a lighter sentence: “Well, there was Johnnie; it was his idea in the first place.”

4. Candidate interviewing for a job: “I have a college degree and three years of experience.”

5. Coworker to new employee: “Everybody uses his or her office computer to play fantasy football.”

6. Best friend: “You really need to do something about how much you drink at parties.”

Submission Criteria 
Write a 350 words or more paper in Word format.

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