UBC Requesting the Withdrawal of The CSC and MAT Courses Petition Letter

I write a document about detailed instruction( file name: instruction). Please refer the file of instruction to revise the letter( file name: letter). This letter is writing to my faculty about my deferred exam and request Late-withdrawal both csc and mat courses. Please Please Please using proper word and sincere attitude. Just let you some basic information. I was unable be back to school for the first term from 2018.09 to 2018.12 due to my visa problem. Due to the visa problem, i missed classes and tests. I returned to the school during the mid of second term.However, the gpa of second term is very very important. I did not get good overall mark on the csc and mat courses because i did not make an agreement with professor about the percentage of missing works. That’s another reason. Late-withdrawal csc and mat courses. Please be make sure that using proper words. Writing around one and half pages(2 pages is fine double spaced.) Using this letter to convince my faculty. The most important is to explain everything clearly and logically. Thank you.

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