UC Irvine Chapter 3 Avant Garde & High Italian Renaissance Questions

Part #1 Answering the following questions with short response each. Each responses should be 3-5 sentences long and written in clear, complete and coherent sentences. You are to only refer to artworks, periods, and artists that are covered in the attached file. When providing examples of artworks, please provide both the title and the artist.

  • Describe how one-point perspective is emblematic of the culture of the High Italian Renaissance?
  • In Modern art we discuss the flattening of the picture plane or image. What does this mean and why is it happening? Provide two examples and explain.
  • Select two examples of artworks from Module 2 (in the artwork list attachment) that functioned as political propaganda. Briefly explain the message found within each of these works and how it can be read/understood.
  • Define the term “avant-garde“. Use two artworks as examples and explain why they belong to the avant-garde.
  • During 19th and 20th centuries, the physical act of producing an art object became an integral part of the work. Provide two examples of this and explain the artist’s process.
  • Provide examples of two artworks that engaged with advancements in technology. Explain how the artists/artworks engage this new technology. (You may not use one-point perspective.)

Part #2 Please answer the following two questions by writing short essay responses. The response should be written in clear, complete and coherent sentences. Each response should be at least 2-3 full paragraphs but may be longer if necessary. Each paragraph is 4-5 sentences. You are to only refer to artworks, periods, and artists that are covered in the attached file. When providing examples of artworks, please provide both the title and the artist.

  • Please select three images as examples and explain how the notion of the ideal human body has changed throughout art history. Your examples do not need to be in chronological order. Each image needs to exemplify a different understanding of what the ideal body was. You must select works from both module 1 and 2. (the file in the attachment.)
  • Read the Chapter 3 of Ways of Seeing (in the attachment) John Berger says:

“One might simplify this by saying: men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relation of women to themselves. The surveyor of women in herself is male: the surveyed female. Thus she turns herself into an object—and most particularly an object of vision: a sight.”

First, explain the relationship that Berger discusses here and provide one artwork (from the artwork list in the attachment ) that exemplifies/supports this relationship. Next, provide one artwork (from Module 2) that challenges the role of women in the surveyor vs. surveyed relationship and explain how this is achieved.


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