Wk 4 Discussions Anemia of chronic disease health and medicine homework help

Need one and half page for each discussion with references

Discussion 1

Answer both of the following discussion questions for your discussion response.

  1. Anemia of chronic disease is a common occurrence in elderly patients. What is the pathophysiological mechanism behind this disease process?
  2. Virchow’s triad refers to states that can produce hypercoagulability. What are the three categories? Give an example for each and explain the pathophysiological changes seen.

Discussion 2

Answer both of the following discussion questions for your discussion response.

  1. Discuss the epidemiology of thalassemia and share evidence-based practice guidelines necessary for chronic management.
  2. Sickle-cell anemia has treatment parameters in the chronic state and acute exacerbation. The acute phase requires aggressive hydration and pain medication. What is the physiologic pattern for this problem?
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