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Role and Strategies


Tsega Tesfaghabir

St. Thomas University

NUR- 422

Dr. Diaz















Roles and Strategies

Nursing is a dynamic and complex system that demands constant technological improvements to meet the emerging needs of patients and public health. Nursing and healthcare rely on computer systems to manage most services, such as electronic storage of patient information, predicting evidence-based care, and offering personalized care. According to Salmond & Echevarria (2017), the primary challenge in nursing was the integration of computer and information systems in their work environment. Besides, they had to adjust to their changing roles from traditional to computerized systems. The successful integration has increased nurses’ access to these systems through the inclusion of information systems in their curricula. Hence, the essay will discuss the different roles of nurses in selecting and examining information systems, the strategies used and barriers encountered during implementation.

Nurses’ Roles in Selecting and Examining Information Systems

The nurses should leverage data to apprise decision-making. Nurses are key players in selecting and evaluating the supportive information systems to include in the work environment. Hence, they should assume leadership positions to leverage data by improving the technology in the workplace and ensure it aligns with the expected information system. Leveraging data will ensure all nurses in the workplace understand the informatics and apply their competency skills to a given segment. Second, they should be more knowledgeable about technology and information concepts for easier management and processing of information. Nurse leaders must develop informatics competencies; most nurses have basic skills, which cannot support the growing demand for informatics in healthcare. Lastly, master’s prepared nurses ought to include the strategies in the nursing curricular, such as learning management systems and simulation (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017). This will prepare the upcoming nurses to deal with information systems, regardless of their techno-savvy skills.

Strategies that Facilitate Implementation of Information Systems

Strategies used to implement information systems are thoroughly simulated for better results. Informatics competency is an important strategy for implementation. Integrating information systems is easier if all the personnel are conversant with their computer skills, informatics knowledge, and skills. The latter two will enhance nursing practice through data management and processing. Second, research on prioritization to include data for mortality and morbidity purposes. This will ease the experience and direct nurses on the different application strategies. Big data technologies are also essential as an implementation tool. Big data entails the use of massive data sources to monitor and simulate the recorded data before interpreting the information (Foster & Sethares, 2017). The interpreted information will be used to analyze the acceptance rate of nurses and determine the main areas for improvement.

Barriers to Implementation

The primary barriers to implementation are a lack of awareness and competence among faculty members. As mentioned earlier, most nurses have basic computer skills; thus, successful implementation requires background teaching to ensure every nurse is on board with the new system. Second, enhancing collaborative efforts in nursing informatics is cumbersome for the nurse leaders, especially for the nurses who are unresponsive to change (Islam et al., 2018). Including care informatics in nursing schools might be challenging for the nurse educators since most schools assume their techno-savvy student nurses are conversant with these skills.

In conclusion, nursing informatics is a changing and complex system that must be mastered by nurses and stakeholders for easy implementation. The nurse assumes different roles to enhance the integration, like selecting and analyzing the implementation strategies. The easiest way to implement nursing informatic systems is by integrating with the nursing curricular. This will prepare the learners for the different roles in the workforce regardless of emerging changes.

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