discussion posts Notes on Religion English homework help

Both posts need to be 150 words each


Notes on Religion

Describe a religion that is not your own. ( I am Christian)

Choose from one of the following religions: Ancient Egyptian belief, Hinduism, Greek or Roman Polytheism, Native American Religion, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. You must choose a religion that is not your own.

  • Describe three features or tenets of the chosen religion.
  • Mention any written works and prophets.
  • Share how this religion compares to your religion or beliefs, even if you do not have a chosen “religion.”


Individual and Institutional Discrimination

(I am a white American)

The United States is a nation of many races, ethnicities, and nationalities. Many groups in this country have experienced discrimination. Think about discrimination you have experienced or witnessed and answer the following questions:

  • What’s the difference between individual and institutional discrimination? Be sure to give a specific example of each type of discrimination in your response.
  • You are asked to come up with a plan to improve racial and ethnic relations in your community. What would your plan include? How would you address both individual and institutional discrimination in your plan? Explain.

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