Question Week 4!

Classical Political Liberal Thought

– Select a forum that interests you most for your initial post; then reply to two of your classmates in another forum thread than your initial post.

– please chose one of the 4 ( 380 Word Minimum)

1. Locke on Reason and Knowledge

What is Locke’s understanding of human reason and knowledge? How does Locke’s understanding of human reason (or rationality) compare and contrast with that of Hobbes with respect to their ideas about human behavior in a state of nature and reasons for a social contract?

2. Locke’s State of Nature

What is Locke’s view of the state of nature and why, in his view, is property a “natural” right? What do you think of his state of nature compared with Hobbes?

3. Locke’s Freedom

How does Locke understand freedom and equality? What does he mean “perfect” freedom and equality, and how does his understanding of freedom compare with that of Hobbes when considering the state of nature and reasons for a social contract?

4. Locke’s Social Contract

What kind of social and political contract (two phases) does Locke propose? Why do we need a contract, what type of sovereignty it represent, and ho are the parties? What are your thoughts on Locke’s reasoning compared with Hobbes’s?

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