Response Needed

Respond to Jaime and Bryant with a reflection on or connection to their post. Provide 150 words for each response

Jaime K

There were so many valuable resources, I’m not sure where to start. I found the FBA and BIP resources and slides extremely valuable. I enjoyed refreshing my mind about LRE and due process. The accommodations vs. modification information and 504 information was valuable too. This course applies directly to my role and I have learned new information. I have printed materials from this course and will refer to the slides as needed.

An advocate is a voice for the student, parents and their needs. They are knowledgeable in the area they are advocating and give expert advice. Someone who participates with the team and helps meet student needs. Anyone on the IEP team can advocate for the student or perhaps I should say everyone on the IEP should advocate for the student.

It is important to know the programs, contacts, and resources available through the district. One strategy is to visit programs around the district. Find out where and what kind of programs your students will be transitioning to when they leave elementary or middle school. I toured programs a couple of years ago and it was a valuable experience because now I can share with parents the options that are available, and as a team, we can determine what is appropriate. It is also important to have the mindset that as a team, we can meet the student’s needs and help them be successful.


  • The ideas that I found the most valuable was the information that described the differences between a 504 plan and an IEP. I enjoyed the layout of the course and how easy it was to move between the different lessons. The videos were short and to concise which made them feel worthwhile. The information that was presented in the videos was informative and easy to follow as well. I plan to implement more student tracking and to be more aware of my student’s needs in the classroom. I am more aware of how to provide my students with supports and how to identify the reasons behind behavioral outbursts.
  • Student advocacy is understanding what support systems a student needs in order to succeed. It is the job of the professional to know what the student’s needs are. It is also the job of the professional to advocate and make sure that the proper supports are put in place. Student advocacy is creating an environment where the student has the greatest chance of success in the least restrictive environment.
  • It is important to remember that all students need advocates. Just because a student is quiet does not mean they do need support systems put in place. It is also important to remember that behavioral issues can be directly related to academics. Some behaviors can be averted by providing the supports to help students academically. When students are engaged and present in the material, they are much less likely to be disruptive in class. It is also important to remember the signs of students avoiding work, such as going to the bathroom, moving around the room, talking to their peers, or simply not doing the work.

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